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knowledge distribution中文是什么意思

用"knowledge distribution"造句"knowledge distribution"怎么读"knowledge distribution" in a sentence


  • 知识扩散
  • "knowledge"中文翻译    n. 1.知识;学识,学问。 2.了解,理解;消息。 3 ...
  • "distribution"中文翻译    n. 1.分配,分发,配给;分配装置[系统];配给品;配 ...
  • "knowledge distribution power" 中文翻译 :    知识配置力
  • "a knowledge of" 中文翻译 :    某一学科的知识; 英语知识
  • "but not knowledge" 中文翻译 :    但是不能买到知识
  • "in the knowledge that" 中文翻译 :    在明知…的情况下
  • "knowledge" 中文翻译 :    n. 1.知识;学识,学问。 2.了解,理解;消息。 3.认识。 4.〔古语〕学科。 5.〔古语〕性关系。 book knowledge书本知识。 K- is power. 〔谚语〕知识就是力量。 practical knowledge实际的知识。 secondhand knowledge第二手知识,传授来的知识。 working knowledge of French 法语知识学到能应用的地步。 I have no knowledge of London. 我对伦敦毫无所知。 It is within your knowledge that ... 这是你所知道的。 The knowledge of our victory caused great joy. 我们获得胜利的消息传来,万众欢腾。 perceptual knowledge感性认识。 logical [rational] knowledge理性认识。 the theory of knowledge【哲学】认识论。 branches of knowledge学科。 carnal knowledge性经验;【法律】性关系。 come to sb.'s knowledge被某人知道。 common [general] knowledge众所周知,常识。 grow out of (sb.'s) knowledge被忘掉了。 have some [a general, a thorough] knowledge of 懂得一点,懂得一个大概,精通。 not to my knowledge我知道并不是那样。 out of all knowledge(变得)认不出来,无法辨认。 to my knowledge据我知道。 to sb.'s certain knowledge据某人确知。 to the best of my knowledge据我所知,就我所知而论(=so far as I know)。 Too much knowledge makes the head bald. 〔谚语〕知识太多老得快。 without sb.'s knowledge 不通知某人,背着某人。
  • "knowledge and" 中文翻译 :    知识与个案工作
  • "knowledge of" 中文翻译 :    性知识; 有关…(学科)知识
  • "of knowledge" 中文翻译 :    知识
  • "to knowledge" 中文翻译 :    据...所知
  • "distribution" 中文翻译 :    n. 1.分配,分发,配给;分配装置[系统];配给品;配给量;【经济学】配给方法,配给过程;分红;【法律】(无遗嘱死亡者的)财产分配。 2.分布,配置,分布状态;【生物学】(生物的)分布范围;【无线电】频率分布。 3.分类,整理,区分。 4.【电学】配电;【机械工程】配汽;【印刷】拆版;【逻辑学】周延(性)。 5.销售。 the distribution of wealth 财富的分配。 the accurate distribution of zoological specimens 动物品种的精确分类。 live on charitable distributions alone 完全依靠配给救济品生活。 the distribution of coniferous forests 针叶林的分布范围。 the distribution of troops 部队配置。 The distribution of our school paper is now 3000. 我们校刊的发行量现在是3000份。 We have a good harvest but our distribution is bad. 我们丰收了,但是产品卖不出去。
  • "of distribution" 中文翻译 :    分派价值; 分销途径;分销渠道; 销售渠道
  • "s distribution" 中文翻译 :    文件分发
  • "t distribution" 中文翻译 :    t 分布; 霍特林t分布; 学生t分布
  • "t-distribution" 中文翻译 :    t分布; 分布
  • "t-distribution t" 中文翻译 :    分布
  • "a good knowledge of" 中文翻译 :    对……得很好了解
  • "a knowledge of english" 中文翻译 :    英语知识
  • "a little knowledge" 中文翻译 :    小常识; 一知半解
  • "a lover of knowledge" 中文翻译 :    一个热爱知识的人432
  • "a situated knowledge" 中文翻译 :    作为一个具体的知识
  • "absolute knowledge" 中文翻译 :    绝对知识
  • "absorb knowledge" 中文翻译 :    吸收知识
  • "abstract knowledge" 中文翻译 :    抽象知识


  • The influences of knowledge distribution and its determinants on enterprise organization level
  • The imbalance of knowledge distribution in an enterprise and deduced request of knowledge management
  • Thirdly , combining the theor y of division of labor and transaction cost , from the aspect of the asymmetry of knowledge distribution , a choice of the extent of flexible of the organization is ; presented
  • After alteration the structure became laconic , both training rate and correct recognition ratio were heightened . it became easier to extract rules from trained network basing on the characters of structure and knowledge distribution in the network
  • Many developing countries experience serious difficulties with introducing advanced education methods and information technologies . in this respect , it is necessary to make more efficient use of the most advanced resources , including the internet and other newest means of information and knowledge distribution , in the field of education
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